We are Stronger Together

Ronan and I have been married for nine years. We have helped one another through our fair share of ups and downs. We are learning and growing together to be the best parents we can be. I try hard to be a positive woman, even when the circumstances of our lives are less than positive. I created this blog in order to share the trials and triumphs we experience raising and advocating for the three beauties who amaze and challenge us everyday. It is our vision to live a quality inclusive life in our home, community and school. Doesn't everyone wish to experience the reality of belonging?

Sunday 31 October 2010

Inspiring Inclusive Futures

This week was supposed to be stuffed with great learning opportunities, but I was feeling sick on Tuesday and Wednesday.  I missed two workshops, Anxiety and Young Children and The Power of Pictures.  Fortunately, Carson's DS snagged me a copy of the workshop handouts and I was able to apply the relaxation techniques  in order to ease Meagan’s anxiety;)  I also missed an ERC presentation: The IPP, what every parent should know.  I blame the muffins we made on Monday morning with the kindergarten class.  I suspect there may have been a couple of extra ingredients added when I wasn’t looking;)  I did manage to attend GRIT’s Annual General meeting on Monday night, before the flu bugs took hold, and what and wonderful and inspiring evening that was! 
I was a little emotional when I got home; I felt an overwhelming sense of pride and gratitude.  After a beautiful Greek dinner and a glass of wine the meeting got started.   A new board member and a new baby were welcomed.  We said farewell to a couple of board members as well. Program goals, accomplishments, and budget were shared.  An inspiring panel of alumni parents shared about their journeys.  It means so much to hear from families who are walking this path a few miles ahead of me, they inspire me and remind me that I am not alone. 
I love GRIT because of the feeling I get when I’m there.  It is the kind of feeling that you can take home and hang onto for weeks!  It is a place where if you look, there is a dream coming true around every corner it seems!  GRIT aims to empower families and…… Boy Howdy!  Do they ever!  On Monday night GRIT’s new retractable banners with their new logo and tag line were unveiled.

The best part of the evening for me was seeing my friend’s dream for her daughters come true!  My friend has two beautiful girls.  Her youngest daughter is adorable and lives with Down syndrome and her older daughter is also adorable and is a sibling of a child with a disability.  We’ve become friends over this common worry for our “other” children.  She has spoken loud and clear that she loves the kindness and attention that people seem to go out of their way to show her youngest daughter, but she has two daughters and they both deserve the spotlight!  GRIT has helped this mom to give the gift of equal spotlight to both of her dollies; their faces are front and centre on the new banner!   I should also add that our Carson’s face fills some space on the banner as well.  What a great honor to share with a friend!  Thanks again GRIT! 

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