We are Stronger Together

Ronan and I have been married for nine years. We have helped one another through our fair share of ups and downs. We are learning and growing together to be the best parents we can be. I try hard to be a positive woman, even when the circumstances of our lives are less than positive. I created this blog in order to share the trials and triumphs we experience raising and advocating for the three beauties who amaze and challenge us everyday. It is our vision to live a quality inclusive life in our home, community and school. Doesn't everyone wish to experience the reality of belonging?

Saturday 6 November 2010

GRIT Gratitude

I’m a little emotional when it comes to GRIT these days.  I must confess my love and appreciation for this organization is front and centre as constant fears arise in my mind about what life is going to be like next year, after Carson graduates from the program and we are no longer on “team yellow”. 
The first fearful concern involves living without a GRIT Developmental Specialist.  The job description does not capture the importance of the relationships these women have given to me in the past three years.  They have been my friend and they have loved my family.  They have seen me at my weakest and my strongest.  I have confided in them, trusted them and grown to love them.  When I reflect upon what each one has contributed to this experience I am overcome with emotion.  They take exemplary care of my children not just because they are well trained, but because they love and value my kids.  They model how to include. They inspire others to include. They will leave very large shoes to fill.
During Carson’s IPP meeting I realized that I am afraid, but I have the tools I need, thanks to the professionals at GRIT and the people they’ve introduced me too, who have always taken my input seriously.  I have been so empowered by their encouragement and expectations.  Higher expectations are such a gift!  I love them all for helping us to develop goals and achieve them.  Now we’re living life on purpose….with clarity and direction.  Growing old, as a parent of a child with a disability, was once a frightening and overwhelming thought because of a fear of the unknown and a lack of expectations.  Now, we have a vision, it’s beautiful and something to look forward too….not something to fear. 
I will attend as many workshops as I can this year, so I can move on from my role as a GRIT parent to a GRIT alumni parent without regrets.  I will also remain in touch with these amazing people who have helped to strengthen our family and brightened our futureJ We’re gonna be ok.  I’m excited for what’s yet to come!